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At times it was hard to see what difference individuals could make in a country of one billion people, with all its pollution, corruption and poverty. The stories of the people we met did something to challenge this sense of helplessness.
James Wood teaches a subject which challenges both schools and society at large.
The once dilettante scion of a Scottish business family tells Paul Williams of the revolution that God brought to his life.
Such euphemisms as ‘presents’, ‘brown envelopes’, ‘collateral things’, even ‘bribes’ do not describe the reality. This system of bribes is best described as medical terrorism. Bribes are what doctors receive. Terror is what the population experiences.
Fuad Nahdi is publisher and founder-editor of the British Muslim monthly magazine, ‘Q-News’.
John Bond hears from Africans who are risking their lives to end conflict.
In each period of history, words or expressions have appeared that have stirred, excited and polarized people. The classic examples are ‘liberty’, ‘equality’, ‘fraternity’—the watchwords of the French Revolution.
Retirement hasn't slowed the pace of Cornelio Sommaruga, former President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Andrew Stallybrass discovers.
Edy Korthals Altes shocked the Dutch establishment when he resigned from the diplomatic service to become an outspoken writer and peace activist. He tells Hennie de Pous-de Jonge why he did it.
Dr Cornelio Sommaruga was President of the International Committee of the Red Cross from 1987 to 1999. He is now President of the Swiss Foundation for Moral Re-Armament. This article is extracted from a talk he gave during a visit to Britain last January.