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Shamsul Akmar from Malaysia reviews a new documentary film on Muslim-Christian relations
A unique sacred space in the heart of London where people of all faiths, or none, can meet with others from different traditions and explore differences in a spirit of friendship and respect.
Andrew Stallybrass meets Rabbi Marc Raphaël Guedj who is bringing rabbis and imams together to work for peace.
She had come to the BBFP programme to condemn the Israelis for killing her father.
As a Christian married to a Muslim, Lorraine Khan finds inspiration in the books and life of Charis Waddy.
OUEST FRANCE, France’s leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, maintains Didier Pillet, its Editor-inChief.
A child’s perspective is often unexpected, occasionally amusing, sometimes challenging.
Frédéric Chavanne reports on a meeting of people from one of Africa’s most turbulent regions.
Extremism is a betrayal of Islam’s essence,states Abduljalil Sajid.
At times it was hard to see what difference individuals could make in a country of one billion people, with all its pollution, corruption and poverty. The stories of the people we met did something to challenge this sense of helplessness.