20 years of For A Change
For A Change was first published in 1987 in the UK as 16-page monthly print magazine. From January 1992 it became a 20 page bi-monthly and in February 1994 moved to being a 24-page bi-monthly and continued in this format until December 2006 after which it continued as an online magazine.
Back issues are available online, and browseable by issue or story categories. Not all of the story categories in the print magazine were carried forward to the online magazine. Recent story categories are found running left to right underneath the main For A Change banner.
01 December 2006
Volume 19 Number 6
'Living with Change' was the theme of this very last issue of the print version of For A Change. Highlights include a Lead Story on the challenges of climate change; the experience of a family firm managing director, striving to cope with change; and a Guest Column by Mohamed Sahnoun, until recently Kofi Annan's special envoy to the Horn of Africa.
01 October 2006
Volume 19 Number 5
The five summer conferences at Caux, the Initiatives of Change conference centre in Switzerland, were the main focus of this issue. Highlights include 'Art Power', a report on the Renewal Arts session; addressing issues of corruption and good governance in Africa in the 'African Dialogue'; stories of people taking part in the new 'Tools for Change' conference as well as a report on the UN International Day of Indigenous Peoples.
01 August 2006
Volume 19 Number 4
This issue is about people daring to be their true selves and how that impacts society. Highlights include a lead article about Dresden - healing the wounds of war, building community through a furniture project in Richmond, Verginia and an essay about taking a new look at Islam. The reflection tells of a personal journey from a life of self blame to a vessel for love.
01 June 2006
Volume 19 Number 3
This issue deals with the subjects of corruption, vision, marriage and inter religious peace building. Highlights include articles about the Solomon Islands clean election campaign, a person's battle with mental illness, exchanges between Britain and the Arab world and a US city's black heritage.
01 April 2006
Volume 19 Number 2
The editorial of this issue talks about 'Creating ourselves as a work of art'. Highlights illustrating this theme include articles on: A mexican artist, a French family of seven reaching out for a fairer world, creating a village; what a cohousing community is like, healing the slave trade past through acknowledgement, personal journey's and community dialogue between Muslims and Christians in Sydney.
01 February 2006
Volume 19 Number 1
This issue speaks of 'Beating back the deserts of our world - physically and spiritually'. Highlights include two articles on young mobile communities one in Asia and one in USA, Fighting the corrupt in the Solomon Islands logging industry, following Rajmohan Gandhi on his speaking tour in UK and a guest column by Daleep Mukarji on 'Can we make poverty history?'