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The current widespread ideology of individualism endangers our future because it doesn't take into account the relationships which undergird our survival, writes Bishop George Browning
The 2000 Sydney Olympics were dubbed 'the collaborative games', because of the way government, labour and management worked together. Can South Africa build on this great lesson?
Philip Boobbyer discusses two books which challenge the secularism of modern Europe
John Paul II could capture anyone, and millions, not only by what he said but also by the way he was able to listen.
This is border country with a long and turbulent history. Everyone knows that borderlands can be flash points.England and Wales meet here and in the past fought it out, stealing each other’s cattle, firing villages and building castles to enforce the ownership of occupied lands.
For five years Bishop Malkhaz Songulashvili and his church had been the focus of attacks led by a defrocked Orthodox priest.
OUEST FRANCE, France’s leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, maintains Didier Pillet, its Editor-inChief.
'While we want the link to be of real benefit to Lesotho... we also see the link as necessary for Wales.'
Michael Marshall is the Assistant Bishop of London. This article is taken from a 'Greencoat Forum' given at the IC centre in London earlier this year.
Denis Nowlan is an Executive Producer of Religious Programmes for the BBC. This article is taken from his sermon in Westminster Abbey during Christian Unity Week, January 2002.