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Peter Thwaites reads a book charting the change of heart which led to the end of the Soviet Union.
CHIEF RABBI Sir Jonathan Sacks' new book is called To Heal a Fractured World (Schocken, 2005). The sub-title-The ethics of responsibility- attracted me, as it cuts across the culture of the West which holds 'my rights', consumerism and 'the market' to be all-important.
Philip Boobbyer discusses two books which challenge the secularism of modern Europe
We asked writers to confine themselves to books published recently, or at least in the last 100 years.
IT WAS only three days before the tsunami struck that Vijitha Yapa decided to give a day off to his staff of eight at his bookshop in Galle, though for the last 10 years they had worked on Boxing Day.
Stan Hazell meets a nonagenarian whose latest book is a surprise hit in Britain's prisons.
Bill Peters, one of the founders of the Jubilee 2000 campaign for debt remission, reviews a new book on the international debt crisis.
As a Christian married to a Muslim, Lorraine Khan finds inspiration in the books and life of Charis Waddy.
An ancient book about war gives Dalia Braverman practical hints on living today.
Abduljalil Sajid, Chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony, UK, gives a voice to Muslims who have forgiven in circumstances where many Christians and others would fail the test.