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In 1999, a local NGO in Andhra Pradesh (AP), India, suggested that the farmers try out ecological methods, based on the pests’ life-cycle. Five selfhelp groups run by village women provided the determination and support to help make this shift possible.
Ian Robertson and his colleagues have found a way to free staple crops from viruses, with dramatic results for their growers. Michael Smith reports.
‘A few extremists are highjacking the agenda but the majority (whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish) are desperate to talk to each other. The trouble is, they haven’t had the venues to allow them to do so. We are trying to change that.’
‘It is much harder for a senior politician to be corrupt in front of the public’, Laurence Cockcroft said. ‘But on an individual level it depends on how far people take on initiatives to change it.’
As you reach out for a jar of coffee in the supermarket, you can give a hand to the people who grew the beans, discovers Mary Lean.
Australian Harry Nesbitt had to contend with danger and hardship in his bid to rebuild the base of Cambodia's shattered agriculture, writes Brad Collis.
Prof MS Swaminathan, a pioneer of India's Green Revolution, calls for a new approach to world farming.
Patrick Evans has farmed for most of his life in Herefordshire, UK.
John Bocock is a dairy and grain farmer in the Canadian prairies to the north of Edmonton, Alberta.
Current farming controversies give food for thought to Joanna Grigg, a New Zealand hill-country farmer.