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Good governance |
Ibrahima Fall, UN Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region in Africa, talks to Themon Djaksam about the themes of the conference.
Paul Williams discovers that security is not just a military issue.
OUEST FRANCE, France’s leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, maintains Didier Pillet, its Editor-inChief.
‘There is a palpable crisis of governance in many developing countries,’ said Prabhat Kumar, the Director of an independent Centre for Governance in India and former Governor of Jharkand State
FEW CONFERENCES hear from a businessman who has paid back £290,000 in cheated taxes, or see victims of brutal ethnic conflict forgive each other.
Natasha Davis meets Indians who are determined to empower the underprivilaged
How can enterprises better serve the wider community? David Erdal has a radical solution, reports Michael Smith.
CORNELIO SOMMARUGA, President of the Caux Foundation, spoke at two public meetings in Geneva in January on ‘Switzerland after the federal elections; the world after the war in Iraq’.
The IC Centre for Governance was inaugurated in December in New Delhi, although it will function at Asia Plateau, Panchgani, in western India.
Francis Kimani is a Nairobi-based lawyer.