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The writer has asked to remain anonymous.
Since becoming Australia's Governor-General in 1996, Sir William Deane has spoken compellingly about Australia's social needs. These remarks are taken from his address to the Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) in November 1997, with the last two paragraphs from his Vincent Lingiari Memorial Lecture in August 1996.
'The world desperately needs business leaders whose moral values leave an imprint on every dicision they make' says Bill Jordan at the Caux business and industry conference.
Everyone needs to know where they belong, maintains Rabbi Marc Gopin - but this doesn't mean hating outsiders.
At times the pressure of balancing work, relationships and leisure leaves us with a juggling act at best.
The Right Revd Richard Chartres is the Bishop of London
Do Canada's aboriginal people hold the key to national unity? Keith Newman examines a controversial report which calls for a new relationship between First Nations and settlers and describes efforts to bring about healing.
Native American journalist Gordon Regguinti believes the media has an important role to play in community relations.
Over the last two decades the Maori people of New Zealand have found new confidence through a movement which runs 'language nests' for pre-school children. Mary Lean visited the headquarters of the Kohanga Reo Trust in Wellington to discover what has happened since we last covered the story in May 1991.
Greater personal liberty does require greater individual responsibility, obeying one's conscience may help towards that.