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Integrity in politics |
The current widespread ideology of individualism endangers our future because it doesn't take into account the relationships which undergird our survival, writes Bishop George Browning
Often the strangers on the edge are the only people who can see the future as well as the past
Jean Brown meets the women who are standing up for peace in a clean Africa.
The damage was done when politicians started believing the cases they had made.
The day before Christine Jacobs, one of the ‘stolen generations’ of Aboriginal Australians, was due to speak at the launch of Australia’s National Day of Healing, she was knocked down by a car and killed. Her 14-year-old daughter, Tamara, read her speech at the event in the Great Hall of Parliament on 25 May.
It took a shipwreck to turn John Graham into a giraffe. David Allen talks to an adventurer, peacemaker and risk-taker extraordinaire.
Jose Carlos Leon Vargas was in Ukraine during the ‘Orange Revolution’ in December. What he saw got him thinking.
Frédéric Chavanne reports on a meeting of people from one of Africa’s most turbulent regions.
FEW CONFERENCES hear from a businessman who has paid back £290,000 in cheated taxes, or see victims of brutal ethnic conflict forgive each other.
If America is to advance the cause of democracy world-wide, she will have to work harder at applying democratic values universally, argues Richard Ruffin.