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Reconciliation |
Forgiveness is not just a one-off event but a decision for a way of life. Whatever the deficiencies in our spiritual lives, the forgiveness muscle is not too far gone to benefit from a little strengthening.
The slave trade has left deep scars. Ann Rignall meets a group of people remembering the past to shape a better future
Young people are flocking to Asia for leadership training. Laura Boobbyer went too.
Will Jenkins travels across the US with an international team of young people.
Jean Brown meets the women who are standing up for peace in a clean Africa.
Kato is now a second year student in International Relations at Beijing University. He is also a part-time Japanese teacher at a local high school and President of Beijing University’s Japanese Students Association (BUJSA).
‘The Lebanese people have been making peace with themselves,’ Muhieddine Chehab, Mayor of the business district of Beirut, told The Washington Post.
The day before Christine Jacobs, one of the ‘stolen generations’ of Aboriginal Australians, was due to speak at the launch of Australia’s National Day of Healing, she was knocked down by a car and killed. Her 14-year-old daughter, Tamara, read her speech at the event in the Great Hall of Parliament on 25 May.
She had come to the BBFP programme to condemn the Israelis for killing her father.
Walking along the slave routes of West Africa helped Kojo Jantuah to discover his identity-and his destiny.