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Faith issues
MY FRIENDS smother a chuckle when I tell them I’m sure God is a golfer.
Love is the drive that makes us take action for personal and social change.
‘What has making your bed got to do with surviving plane crashes and meeting prime ministers? Jim Coulter tells Mike Lowe.
Easter in Russia introduces Mary Lean to the resilience of faith and the power of grandmothers.
The state does not interfere as long as law and order do not come under threat. However, this tends to create a situation where ‘communityism’ reigns, and ghettos can develop.
When Lee Jaeku was five he started training in Tae Kwon Do.
Former submarine commander Douglas Johnston believes that religion is 'the missing dimension of statecraft'. He tells his story to Bob Webb.
Does doing God's will mean losing your identity, asks Philip Boobbyer.
I longed for the disciplined clear thinking mind that leads to a simple life. As it's been said: 'Don't just do something. Sit there.'
Fuad Nahdi is publisher and founder-editor of the British Muslim monthly magazine, ‘Q-News’.