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Community development |
Janet Paine looks back on ten years of an initiative to foster democratic values in Eastern and Central Europe
Ten years ago, Richmond, Virginia, caught the attention of the USA with its bold public acknowledgement of its painful history -a leading exporter of slaves to southern plantations for more than a century.
Housing is about people-not just bricks, maintains a trail-blazing housing non-profit organization in Richmond, Virginia. Mary Lean discovers how giving people the best can transform no-go areas.
Gajanan Sawant tells Bhanu Kale how deciding not to accept poverty led to the transformation of his community.
There are plenty of well intentioned heads of government, and any number of enlightened statutes. But creating the perfect world cannot be imposed from on top.
Petty vandalism was on the rise in our village, Bradley in Yorkshire. Teenagers hanging out on the street by our one village shop were becoming an increasing concern. Milk bottles were smashed and letterboxes were rattled. Bikes played ‘I dare you to hit me’ with cars.
What makes a community? Why do some communities feel threatened? Is ‘one Wales’ possible?
As you reach out for a jar of coffee in the supermarket, you can give a hand to the people who grew the beans, discovers Mary Lean.
Keith and Ruth Neal, retired school teachers from Manchester, recently visited Sierra Leone, where a devastating civil war ended last year. They found people determined to rebuild.
Australian Harry Nesbitt had to contend with danger and hardship in his bid to rebuild the base of Cambodia's shattered agriculture, writes Brad Collis.