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Community development |
Many people in the USA and Europe are designing their own communities. David Bygott and his wife Jeannette recently moved into a cohousing community. What's that like?
Edward Peters accompanies Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi on a speaking tour of Britain.
New Generation's workshops are given by volunteers and include art, drama, guitar and drumming as well as capoeira (a Brazilian martial art). The group believes in giving room to creativity and personal initiative.
Why are the men returning to a small, impoverished town in Mexico? Andrea Cabrera Luna finds out.
We the peoples of the United Nations determined...to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,’ begins the UN Charter.
The Centre is an English language school for low-income students, which began life in a garage and now boasts over 500 students.
On the streets of Bristol, UK, one woman is fighting crime with a silent force. Stan Hazell finds out more.
As youth crime grabs the headlines in the UK, Decio Emanuel Do Nascimento visits two organizations on the front line in Tower Hamlets, London.
Kadi Fakondo's job involves overseeing complaints from the public, community relations, and discipline and internal investigations.
Europe will not find the way forward by avoiding conflict, but by transforming it, maintains Brian Walker.