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Poverty |
We will not win the war on terrorism unless we do something to win the war on poverty. It is in our enlightened self-interest to enhance trade, to build a safer world, to decrease the displacement that people feel.
Amidst the slums of Pune, Pamela Jenner discovers an organization which is bringing hope to the city’s poorest inhabitants.
On the 60th anniversary of its creation, Sir Richard Jolly reviews the chequered history of the world’s foremost intergovernmental body.
How are people in Galle, Sri Lanka, picking up the pieces following the disaster in December? Mark Perera finds out.
Two great windows of opportunity will swing open this year in the fight against world poverty, surely one of the most pressing moral issues of our age. Poverty kills 6,000 children each week—the equivalent of a tsunami a month.
Shabibi Shah has been longing to return home for 22 years: the reality was a shock.
At the end of last year, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) brought out a sobering report. For every child in the world today who enjoys the security of home, school, healthcare and regular meals, one does not.
A friendly child gives Tom Duncan the courage to climb China’s contemporary Great Wall.
In 1999, a local NGO in Andhra Pradesh (AP), India, suggested that the farmers try out ecological methods, based on the pests’ life-cycle. Five selfhelp groups run by village women provided the determination and support to help make this shift possible.
Ian Robertson and his colleagues have found a way to free staple crops from viruses, with dramatic results for their growers. Michael Smith reports.