Few countries have seen more changes in the last century than Russia. Anastasia Stepanova traces its history through the lives of three generations.
01 February 2003
Alan Weeks, an Australian worker with Initiatives of Change, points up lessons from the peace process that ended the nine-year conflict on the South Pacific island of Bougainville.
01 December 2002
Straight talking is a first step towards new attitudes and policies, discover Sandy and Caz Hore-Ruthven.
01 October 2002
In a restless world, silence can be the source of healing and creativity, believes Rosa Bellino
01 August 2002
Sixteen years after the world's worst nuclear accident, Kenneth Noble visits the children who are still suffering as a result.
01 June 2002
Richmond, Virginia, the former capital of the southern states, which seceded at the time of the American Civil War, has a chequered racial past. Today it is becoming known for the radical approach to racial dialogue pioneered by its residents, Karen Elliott Greisdorf reports.
01 February 2002
Film-maker Alan Channer describes the journey that has led him to make 'The Cross and the Bodhi Tree', a film about Christian encounters with Buddhism.
01 December 2001
Mary Lean finds some remarkable companions on the road from fear to love.
01 October 2001
How far can Americans trust their media? The American media has many failings but it still acts as a gatekeeper against the abuse of power, argues US journalist Walter Lee Dozier.
01 August 2001
The Internet is already changing many people's lives, but the IT revolution is only just starting. Should the world be grateful or worried, asks Mike Lowe.
01 June 2001