Pamela Jenner discovered a Valley for the Disabled hidden away in the rural heartlands of Tamil Nadu
01 December 2005
Rajmohan Gandhi warns against the poisonous wind which targets people for being born Muslim, American or Jew.
01 October 2005
Jean Brown meets the women who are standing up for peace in a clean Africa.
01 August 2005
How are people in Galle, Sri Lanka, picking up the pieces following the disaster in December? Mark Perera finds out.
01 June 2005
Pamela Jenner writes from Kanniyakumari in southern India
01 June 2005
IT WAS only three days before the tsunami struck that Vijitha Yapa decided to give a day off to his staff of eight at his bookshop in Galle, though for the last 10 years they had worked on Boxing Day.
01 June 2005
Mary Lean visits an innercity area of Nottingham, England, and meets the residents who are determined to rescue it from guns, drugs and crime.
01 April 2005
Amina Dikedi tells Mary Lean about the people who give her hope for Africa.
01 February 2005
Fifty years after a schoolgirl’s bid for equal education launched the Civil Rights struggle in the US, Hannibal B Johnson takes stock.
01 December 2004
Peace is more than the absence of war, discovers Caz Hore-Ruthven.
01 October 2004