Hugh Williams looks at what crafts and craftspeople can bring to an increasingly wired-up society.
01 April 2001
Lawrence Fearon describes himself as a 'graduate of the streets'. He examines the issues behind social exclusion--and possible solutions.
01 February 2001
When an English church looked for a clean-water project to support in 1983, no one knew how far it would lead, writes Ann Rignall.
01 December 2000
Paul Williams looks for signs of hope in a country that has suffered more than most.
01 August 2000
Divided by 20 miles of water, France and England are old friends, neighbours and rivals. Andrew Stallybrass explores their relationship.
01 June 2000
As Australia prepares to stage the Olympics, John Williams offers a personal sketch of a fortunate country with huge questions before it.
01 April 2000
Ordinary people have chosen to know and 'own' the shameful side of Australia's history.
01 April 2000
Could you forgive someone who destroyed your life or, even worse, killed your child? In these edited extracts from his new book, Forgiveness: breaking the chain of hate, Michael Henderson finds that the world has reason to be grateful to people who, against all the odds, have found a way to forgive.
01 February 2000
Five weeks in a refugee camp in Western Ethiopia shattered Fiona Leggat's stereotypes.
01 December 1999
One in 264 people alive today has had to flee their home. While millions struggle in refugee camps, others bang on the doors of Western nations asking for asylum. Mary Lean examines a crisis which tests our humanity at the turn of the Millennium.
01 December 1999