God's Politician is probably the best light introduction to the life of William Wilberforce, says Mike Smith. In 174 pages, Lean tells the moving and gripping story of Wilberforce's 20-year campaign in the British parliament to abolish the slave trade. Its abolition, 200 years ago this March, was a turning point in the affairs of the world.
26 March 2007
His life has “the capacity to speak meaningfully” to everyone. Here's a book no one should miss reading.
04 March 2007
This is world music at its best and for, people used to Western and pop music, a great introduction to the soundscapes of North Africa.
15 February 2007
Shamsul Akmar from Malaysia reviews a new documentary film on Muslim-Christian relations
07 February 2007
Peter Thwaites reads a book charting the change of heart which led to the end of the Soviet Union.
01 February 2006
CHIEF RABBI Sir Jonathan Sacks' new book is called To Heal a Fractured World (Schocken, 2005). The sub-title-The ethics of responsibility- attracted me, as it cuts across the culture of the West which holds 'my rights', consumerism and 'the market' to be all-important.
01 February 2006
Philip Boobbyer discusses two books which challenge the secularism of modern Europe
01 December 2005
Bill Peters, one of the founders of the Jubilee 2000 campaign for debt remission, reviews a new book on the international debt crisis.
01 April 2005
As a Christian married to a Muslim, Lorraine Khan finds inspiration in the books and life of Charis Waddy.
01 February 2005
An ancient book about war gives Dalia Braverman practical hints on living today.
01 December 2004