Is it possible for a successful business to remain truly ethical? Steven Greisdorf finds some practical advice in a recent book that promotes an alternative capitalism.
01 August 2004
Zainab Bawa draws insights from a new Indian book on dialogue and reconciliation between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
01 June 2004
FRANK FIELD has been the MP for Birkenhead for 25 years. The visit of a group of pensioners to his surgery some eight years ago ‘is indelibly etched on my memory’, he writes. ‘Nothing had prepared me for the description of what they were enduring...
01 June 2004
Hugh Williams delights in a book that traces 'Englishness' back to the days before England existed.
01 February 2004
Kenneth Noble reads a book that dares to suggest that marriage is better than cohabiting.
01 October 2003
In each period of history, words or expressions have appeared that have stirred, excited and polarized people. The classic examples are ‘liberty’, ‘equality’, ‘fraternity’—the watchwords of the French Revolution.
01 August 2003
Even the most pragmatic students become philosophers after reading Sophie's World, discovers Marta Sañudo.
01 June 2003
When she was 14, Karin Peters' uncle died of cancer. 'It felt like a bomb had been dropped on top of my world,' she says.
01 June 2003
James Hore-Ruthven discovers that Celebrating life by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks contains far more to engage the heart and mind than its size might suggest.
01 August 2002
Mary Lean is transported by the work of a man whose art was his message.
01 June 2002