Italian journalist Luigi Accatolli has documented 94 occasions when the Pope has apologized publicly for different aspects of his Church's history. Laurie Vogel takes his message to heart.
01 February 1999
Jean Brown eavesdrops on relationship between two 'large souls'-- and comes home to herself.
01 December 1998
Thousands of years ago, some of the earth's peoples developed societies which poured forth, displacing other peoples. Bryan Hamlin discovers that their success had more to do with beans than with brains.
01 June 1998
'The Politics of Hope' by Jonathan Sacks: Jonathan Cape, 1997, £15.99
01 June 1997
'Invisible Allies' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Harvill Press, 1997, £9.99
01 June 1997
The opening of MRA's Jubilee conference at Mountain House, Caux, was marked by the Swiss federal government and by international diplomats and politicians. Kenneth Noble reports.
01 October 1996
'Islam and the Myth of Confrontation - religion and politics in the Middle East' by Fred Halliday, IB Tauris £12.95
01 August 1996
'The Railway Man by Eric Lomax, Cape £15.99; paperback Vintage £6.99
01 August 1996
When a Turkish editor was recovering from bullet wounds, he reached out a hand of friendship to the student (by then in jail) who had shot him.
01 February 1991
Gordon Wilson and his daughter Marie, a 20-year-old nurse, were buried under six feet of rubble when the IRA bombed a Remembrance Day gathering in the Northern Irish town of Enniskillen in 1987. Marie was one of 11 who died in the blast.
01 February 1991