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United Kingdom
Patrick Evans has farmed for most of his life in Herefordshire, UK.
Working in the media can involve tough choices. Anastasia Stepanova talks to young professionals who have to make them
What difference would it make if people learnt to be leaders at the beginning rather than the end of their careers? Mary Lean finds out.
Veteran potter David Leach believes art is about transcendental values. He talks to Mary Lean and Anastasia Stepanova.
'Honest conversation' at Nottingham's Partnership Council is a key to urban renewal, Michael Smith discovers:
What makes a society strong? The vitality of its community life, maintains Mike Lowe.
Lawrence Fearon describes himself as a 'graduate of the streets'. He examines the issues behind social exclusion--and possible solutions.
Divided by 20 miles of water, France and England are old friends, neighbours and rivals. Andrew Stallybrass explores their relationship.
One in 264 people alive today has had to flee their home. While millions struggle in refugee camps, others bang on the doors of Western nations asking for asylum. Mary Lean examines a crisis which tests our humanity at the turn of the Millennium.
As reported in FAC (Feb/Mar 1999), the Clean Slate Campaign invites people to promise to take at least one practical step during 1999 towards cleaning their slate.

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