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United Kingdom
Campbell Leggat returns to the land of his birth to find out what Scotland's new parliament could mean for Scotland and the UK.
Alan Brockman's hope for the 21st century is no less than a revolution in world farming, which will see organic farming coming into its own.
In the last 50 years pupils from many different ethnic minorities have entered the British education system. How well are secondary schools handling the situation, asks Kenneth Noble.
Faustina Starrett is Coordinator of Media Programmes at the North West Institute of Further and Higher Education in Derry, Northern Ireland.
Michael Smith encounters the Western face of Islam--and meets British Muslims who are fighting back against Islamophobia.
It was billed as a conference. It was more an experience.
What happens when people with a common cause disagree about the way forward? Trade unions, political parties, churches, lobby groups and charities all face this dilemma from time to time. Some groups delay a decision and become absorbed in internal wrangling; others split. Mary Lean explores the experience of MRA in Britain, which has recently sold the Westminster Theatre.
Mary Lean meets the British World War II veterans who are calling for reconciliation with Japan.
Britain, where more people are living longer and alone than ever before, may need up to 4 million new houses, prompting fears of rural destruction. But what about renovating existing housing stock? Michael Smith finds out how Birmingham's largest housing estate is being rescued from urban decay.
Public apology, an empty gesture or the creation of trust?

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