Five years after the Dayton peace agreement, Michael Smith visits the Bosnian capital Sarajevo to attend an international media conference.
01 December 2000
Alexander and Natalie Pinchook describe their work with Tsentr Deystvie (CentreAction) to help Belorussians cope with the aftermath of Chernobyl.
01 December 2000
Bethuel Kiplagat believes that Africa's development depends on peace and security, as he tells Michael Smith.
01 August 2000
Indian historian Rajmohan Gandhi spoke on 'Money, Globalization and Equality' during the Caux conference for Business and Industry. We print extracts:
01 August 2000
Norway's former Minister of International Development and Human Rights, Hilde Frafjord Johnson, tells Jens Jonathan Wilhelmsen about her country's response to the international debt crisis.
01 August 2000
Michael Smith reports on India's information technology revolution which has turned the nation into a 'software superpower':
01 June 2000
Alan Channer joins people of many faiths and traditions at an ecological symposium in the Chateau de Klingenthal, France
01 February 2000
As reported in FAC (Feb/Mar 1999), the Clean Slate Campaign invites people to promise to take at least one practical step during 1999 towards cleaning their slate.
01 December 1999
Campbell Leggat returns to the land of his birth to find out what Scotland's new parliament could mean for Scotland and the UK.
01 August 1999
Former Utrecht city councillor Aad Burger discovers how the Dutch police are responding to their country's increasing ethnic diversity.
01 June 1999