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Multiculturalism |
Former Utrecht city councillor Aad Burger discovers how the Dutch police are responding to their country's increasing ethnic diversity.
Analysing the war in the Balkans, as well as the student massacre in Colombine High School and racist attacks in Britain, William Rees-Mogg wrote in The Times of London recently about 'the racism that threatens the world's future'.
Vision TV, Canada, is a network with a difference--religious but multifaith, incisive but non-confrontational. Choice Okoro meets its Vice-President, Rita Deverell.
In the last 50 years pupils from many different ethnic minorities have entered the British education system. How well are secondary schools handling the situation, asks Kenneth Noble.
The Victorian Multicultural Commission recently launched a campaign aimed at getting students to value Australia's diversity.
As the countdown clocks tick their way towards the year 2000, Mary Lean looks at plans to mark a global rite of passage.
Everyone needs to know where they belong, maintains Rabbi Marc Gopin - but this doesn't mean hating outsiders.
Do Canada's aboriginal people hold the key to national unity? Keith Newman examines a controversial report which calls for a new relationship between First Nations and settlers and describes efforts to bring about healing.
Caux's history made it the ideal place for a high-level symposium on reconciliation. Mary Lean reports.
After 50 years of Independence, Rajmohan Gandhi reconsiders his grandfather's widsom - opening up a source of hope for further healing with Britain, and within the divisions of the whole sub-contintent.