The Pope believes that the Church's 'culture of remembrance' can save the media culture of transitory news from becoming a forgetfulness which corrodes hope.
01 August 1999
Many African Americans will tell you that Portland and Oregon are the most racist communities they have ever been in, and most can cite racist hurdles and language they have encountered.
01 June 1999
When her husband Medgar was killed, Myrlie Evers-Williams realized, she says, that it's not what happens to you that matters; it's how you deal with it.
01 March 1999
Nobody said that healing history or treading the path of forgiveness would be easy.
01 February 1999
One doesn't have to tread far into the minefield of race relations to know that acknowledgement of and healing for the past are still appropriate.
01 October 1998
I was present on Sorry Day in the Anglican cathedral in Perth when leaders of all the churches read out their denomination's apologies for the 'removals'. The Moderator of the Uniting Church, the Rev John Dunn, added his personal apology for 'my participation in taking the children'.
01 August 1998
'Over the coming decades, our country's ethnic and racial diversity will continue to expand dramatically. Will those differences divide us, or will they be our greatest strength? The answer depends on what we are willing to do together.'
01 June 1998
Healing is a community effort
01 April 1998
See friends before they've had time to get their pictures developed
01 February 1998
Our present way of life is not viable
01 December 1997