In one Swiss village, Caux, above Montreux, the conferences are a little different.
01 October 1989
It was not a scene you would have expected at a scientific meeting.
01 October 1989
The nine million readers of the Japanese paper, Yomiuri, read in June of how another Welsh war veteran was building bridges with Japan.
01 August 1989
The exchange took place in the wake of Japan's Recruit corruption scandal and as events in China built up towards the massacre in Tiananmen Square.
01 August 1989
Another African leader, General Joseph Lagu, former Vice-President of the Sudan, also took part. As a guerrilla leader in the bush, he fought against the Arab North in Sudan's first civil war.
01 April 1989
Inspired by the dream that India's Western Ghats might be re-afforested by the year 2000, over 60 senior college and university students from throughout New Zealand applied to join.
01 April 1989