A tree planting ceremony honoured the nearly 2000 refugees housed at Caux during World War II 01 October 1997
'Corruption is not so much the fruit of poverty and underdevelopment as the sustainer of these conditions, and this is one side of its pernicious nature,' argues Daniel Dommel. 01 October 1997
'The world desperately needs business leaders whose moral values leave an imprint on every dicision they make' says Bill Jordan at the Caux business and industry conference. 01 October 1997
Enlightened management seem to have taken on board that people operate best when they are given responsibility. Even when this is not given them, workers sometimes grasp the initiative. This is one conclusion to be drawn from a conference organized recently by the British-shop floor paper The Industrial Pioneer. 01 June 1996
Anthony Duigan from Johannesburg gives his impressions of a conference that aimed to bring healing in South Africa. 01 June 1996
'Democracy starts with me' was the theme of MOral Re-Armament's 1991 conference at Caux, Switzerland. Over seven weeks 2,160 people attended its sessions. Michael Smith reports: 01 October 1991
Six members of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), one of President Walesa's Secretaries of State and local leaders from Gdansk, Lodz and Kielce were among those attending a seminar in Oslo on the theme `moral and spiritual foundations of democracy and the structures that make it work' earlier this summer. 01 August 1991
The rafters of the Capilano Long House, a sacred meeting ground of the Squamish Indian nation, rang with laughter and the languages of many nations, at a conference in Vancouver, Canada, in June. Two hundred and thirty-four people from 28 nations were guests at the traditional salmon bake given by the Squamish. 01 August 1991
The visit attracted extensive press coverage. 01 August 1991
The Norwegians wanted help in rediscovering the true value of freedom in their own society as well as to give support to the Polish nation. 01 June 1990