Maggie Kirk, Pippa Faunce and Caroline Hewitt have now left their schools in Birmingham and the south of England. 01 January 1988
At his first health service union meeting, former Welsh steel worker Albert Tarling unexpectedly found himself elected branch secretary. 01 January 1988
If talking was a commodity, Africa would not have any problem,' quipped Gary Magadzire, President of the Zimbabwe National Farmers Union. 01 January 1988
Reconciliation in Zimbabwe' was the headline the Bern daily Der Bund gave its report on the launching of the German version of Alec Smith's book Now I call him brother. 01 January 1988
Pope John Paul II has opened the windows of the Vatican to the world more widely than any of his predecessors. 01 January 1988
Professor Rieben, who is Director of the Centre for European Research in Lausanne, writes that after visiting Caux, `I could not forget what Europe owed to the dialogue and cooperation which developed during the decisive post-war years between Frank Buchman on the one hand and Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman on the other.' 01 December 1987
'We bring you greetings from His Majesty the King of Bhutan.' The message was delivered by one of eight young Bhutanese professionals attending a conference organized at Asia Plateau, the Moral Re-Armament conference complex in western India. 01 December 1987
The city of Richmond, Virginia, is the former capital of the Southern Confederacy. 01 December 1987
In February 1986, Filipinos wrote a new concept into modern history books. They call it `People and Prayer Power', although outside the Philippines it is simply called `People Power'. 01 November 1987
South Africa is in a state of deep unrest. Recently there has been a hardening polarization of the extremes of both right and left. 01 October 1987