Robert Corcoran, National Coordinator of the Hope in the Cities (HIC) coalition based in Richmond, Virginia, reports on the third annual Metropolitan Richmond Day, where HIC activists from across the USA gathered: 01 February 1999
In this new feature, we shall report on developments since our publication of a major story. 01 February 1999
This year 16 black Americans were among 100 travellers on a yatra through Gujarat, land of Mahatma Gandhi's birth. They came to honour Martin Luther King's spiritual debt to Gandhi. 01 December 1998
Canada's churches recently kicked off their response to a worldwide campaign to lift the poorest countries out of their debt abyss. They held a series of workshops, forums and events on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to mark the launching of the Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative. 01 December 1998
The media in the Balkans, divided on ethnic lines, did 'more damage than weapons' and had played a pivotal role in 'initiating the processes that led to unbelievable bloodshed,' said Senad Kamenica, Head of News and Current Affairs Programmes for Bosnia and Herzegovina Television. Two hundred and fifty thousand people had been killed in the war, including 30,000 children, and Bosnia was still burdened by 'the by-products of the factory of evil'. 01 October 1998
Why does Herefordshire farmer Chris Evans organize a conference on ethics in business and industry half way up a Swiss mountain each year? The most tangible and obvious reason was summed up well by the first speaker at this year's Caux Conference for Business and Industry (CCBI). 01 October 1998
Paul Williams attends an inter-generational conversation on ethics for the next century. 01 October 1998
The conference was opened by Julius Khakula, the Chairman of MRA, Kenya. 'For Africa, the 19th century was a period of assault by external forces and confusion,' he told participants from 12 African countries. 'The 20th century has been a period of awakening. 01 August 1998
Last year Australians were shaken by the report of a national investigation into the policy of removing Aboriginal children from their families. 01 August 1998
It was billed as a conference. It was more an experience. 01 August 1998