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In one week, 20 houses had been built for low income families who could never have dreamed of owning a house were it not for Habitat.
Perhaps the world's people will begin to fully understand their connection to all of Creation when Native Americans are included in world forums.
Amos Owen, the spiritual leader of the Dakota people of Minnesota, came with two friends to give a healing ceremony for me after I'd had a second stroke. With him was his son Raymond, who carried the sacred pipe and assisted him.
Using a combination of evangelism and practical business sense, the Perkins are nurturing a 'can do' attitude in eight blocks around their home.
One of the two opening batsmen for the Masters is Conrad Hunte, invited from the USA by the Barbadian government with his American wife, Patricia, and their three daughters, Roberta, 10, Grace, 5, and Veronica, 2.
The city of Richmond, Virginia, is the former capital of the Southern Confederacy.
Four years ago All Saints Episcopal Church asked one of their congregation, Denise Wood, to survey Pasadena's `quality of life'. For nine months she went around listening to people and their concerns. What she discovered was a 'city in pain', as she describes it, with alarming problems most people were unaware of.
From Aubern Street - where Martin Luther King Jr was laid to rest next door to his Ebenezer Baptist Church - the multistorey spires of downtown Atlanta gleam on the skyline a mile away like a shining 21st century citadel of economic success.