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In New York Melinda Lackey and Carlos Monteagudo are charting a vision to create widespread economic well-being in this incredibly diverse, powerful and poverty-stricken city.
Rajmohan Gandhi looks at the challenges facing a world where sovereignty is no longer seen as an absolute.
Having lost a son in World War I, the great German artist Kathe Kollwitz was avowedly anti-war but equally committed to what she called 'a new idea-that of the brotherhood of man'. In his book, All Saints: daily reflections on saints, prophets and witnesses for our time (Crossroad, 1997), Robert Ellsberg writes that Kollwitz worked for many years on the statue, Mourning Parents, modelled after her and her husband, Karl.
Bryan Hamlin, a British-born American citizen, challenges Europe's prejudice towards the United States.
Afghanistan is still waiting for freedom from hunger, disease and violence, writes Anila Daulatzai
The author was not some foreign critic but Clyde Prestowitz, a US trade negotiator in the Reagan administration.
Joseph V Montville is Director of the Preventive Diplomacy Program of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC.
Even the worst of tragedies may bear some fruit. That's clearly the case in America in the wake of 11 September.
More than 30 years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr, America is still divided along racial lines. Why?
Douglas Tanner set up an institute to inject faith values into the US House of Representatives—and to make sure that Members are up to speed on their country’s racial history. Bob Webb tells his story.