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In every sphere of life, it seems, women are expected to play a support role, assisting men to occupy more effectively the centre stage.
Bureaucrats faced with problems like job creation in the developing world need lots of creative imagination, says Pauli Snellman. And he tells Kenneth Rundell that they also sometimes have to say: No, Minister!
The doctors made it clear that their choice would be not to continue treatment. Although we felt extremely vulnerable, we felt that we had to talk to Anthony himself and let him decide his future.
For the second time in his life, former Laotian diplomat Tianethone Chantharasy is a political exile. He and his wife Viengxay tell John Bond and Peter Thwaites how they narrowly escaped death.
As more marriages break up than ever before, children pay the price. Michael Smith asks what can be done - and meets people who have mounted an international move to save the family.
After two days, I saw that it was not enough to read history in books: I had to accept that I was part of it, and identify with the pain and joy of all human beings. I felt much more at peace after that.
It was easier to poke fun at what I didn't believe than to respect everyone's right to a belief, whatever it might be.
We found that we could lose our rigidity without compromising our fundamental beliefs.
This little being who consumes most of my time and energy has not only changed my priorities but has also unknowingly changed me as a person.
At 8 pm on 5 January 1985, in his mother's arms, David stopped breathing.