Globalization has become the defining issue for the new century, and big business is not unaware of its social, ethical and global responsibilities.
01 February 2001
John Carlisle Partnerships aims to create a culture of openness and efficiency in the world's construction industry.
12 January 2001
An OECD treaty aims to put an end to the international culture of backhanders. Peter Eigen, founder of the anti-corruption body Transparency International, was a moving spirit behind it.
12 March 2000
The world's 40,000 multinational companies concentrate billions of dollars in a few hands and control the global economy far more effectively than governments, says Bill Jordan, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trades Unions (ICFTU).
06 February 2000
French businessman Jean Fayet believes that business thrives on a culture of risk taking. But he worries about the social consequences of globalization.
06 February 2000
Indian businessman Farhad Forbes packed his bags in California's Silicon Valley and returned to serve his own country. Now his company is meeting the challenges of India's economic reforms.
01 December 1997
Disillusioned with Marxism, David Erdal became chairman of the Fife paper making firm Tullis Russell--then handed over ownership of the company to the workforce.
11 October 1997
Investment, innovation and honesty are keys to success, believes German businessman Friedrich Schock.
11 March 1997
Shop floor disruption led to training programmes in 'self-motivation' at Tata's flagship truck and bus company in India.
12 June 1993