The once dilettante scion of a Scottish business family tells Paul Williams of the revolution that God brought to his life.
01 April 2004
Being mistaken for a Muslim started Wadiaa Khoury, a Lebanese Christian, on a journey towards her fellow-countrypeople.
01 February 2004
Gajanan Sawant tells Bhanu Kale how deciding not to accept poverty led to the transformation of his community.
01 December 2003
Canadian novelist and newspaper columnist David Jenneson was just 18 in August 1967, when he had an experience that was to play a major role in his life.
01 August 2003
Hugh Nowell has made a vocation of rising to the unexpected, as Paul Williams and Mary Lean discovered.
01 August 2002
Theatrical success didn't make Vendela Tyndale-Biscoe happy. Nor did drugs and partying. Mary Lean finds out more.
01 June 2002
The world lay at RD Mathur's feet as a young man - and he decided to give everything to try and change it. He talks to Mary Lean.
01 April 2002
Some of the younger people attending the Caux conferences tell FAC about experiences that have changed their lives.
01 October 2001
Tania Chatterjee and Nabnita Jit first heard about Asia Plateau, the MRA centre in Panchgani, India, whilst studying for their Master's degrees in Social Work at Baroda University in Gujurat. Tania Chatterjee comes from the steel-making city of Durgapur in West Bengal. Nabnita was originally from the state of Orissa but her family now live in Baroda.
01 October 2001
Marijana Longin was 17 in 1991 when her country, Croatia, declared independence from Yugoslavia. Until then, Serbs, Croats and people from other ethnic minorities had lived peacefully together in her town, Zadar. They even celebrated each other's religious festivals. Now, with the propaganda from all sides stirring up hate and fear, many of the Serbs fled to Yugoslavia.
01 October 2001