01 December 1990 |
Christ's first recorded sermon expresses the same simplicity. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Repent and believe.' Not exactly a wordy programme; simply an invitation to life in all its fullness.
As former Eastern bloc nations roll back 70 years of Marxist economics, Michael Smith looks at the struggle to avoid the unacceptable face of capitalism.
As a crowning insult the local party committee routed a railway branch line straight across the Potoclcis' front lawn.
We must find ways to improve living standards in the Third World and to maintain those in the West, with as little as possible damage to the environment. This will require a growth in the environmental sciences.
The doctors made it clear that their choice would be not to continue treatment. Although we felt extremely vulnerable, we felt that we had to talk to Anthony himself and let him decide his future.
In 1987 two military coups led by ethnic Fijians overthrew Fiji's elected government and governing councils. Three years later, no one would claim things are back to normal, but changes are happening. In a newspaper message on 18 October - the Hindu celebration of Diwali - the Prime Minister of the interim government, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, wrote of the need for harmony, tolerance and respect between ethnic Fijians and the Indians, who make up 46 per cent of the population. `Let us rededicate ourselves to promoting and facilitating national unity and strengthening the bonds of nationhood.
Several failed attempts to buy a house turned out to be a blessing in disguise when Sheila and Jasper Shotts from Humberside, England, got a strong urge to go to help in Romania. Sheila is a nurse and Jasper is a social worker. After seeing TV pictures of Romanian children's homes they felt that their skills could be of use.
Polish journalist Boguslaw Chrabota is a spokesman for the Krakow Industrial Society. He writes: