01 November 1987 |
For two days the coach wrestled with this and then went to the authorities and told them that, unbeknown to him at the time, they had benefitted from the skills of someone who should not have been playing. As a result the shield was taken from them and given to another team.
`Liverpool is a city famous for three things: for soccer, for the Beatles and for political chaos.
Four years ago All Saints Episcopal Church asked one of their congregation, Denise Wood, to survey Pasadena's `quality of life'. For nine months she went around listening to people and their concerns. What she discovered was a 'city in pain', as she describes it, with alarming problems most people were unaware of.
To amend Winston Churchill's words about the Battle of Britain, never in the course of human history has so much been owed by so many to so few.
I used to imagine motherhood as a very narrow field -but I have found I have experienced a broad range of human emotions, and felt things I never thought possible.
In February 1986, Filipinos wrote a new concept into modern history books. They call it `People and Prayer Power', although outside the Philippines it is simply called `People Power'.