01 June 2002 |
Sixteen years after the world's worst nuclear accident, Kenneth Noble visits the children who are still suffering as a result.
Throughout the highs and lows of a long diplomatic career, Archie Mackenzie has always striven to put service ahead of ambition. Campbell Leggat and Kenneth Noble tell his story.
Denis Nowlan is an Executive Producer of Religious Programmes for the BBC. This article is taken from his sermon in Westminster Abbey during Christian Unity Week, January 2002.
Theatrical success didn't make Vendela Tyndale-Biscoe happy. Nor did drugs and partying. Mary Lean finds out more.
For weeks the collapse of the Houston energy giant, Enron, competed with the war on terror for headlines.
What has political freedom meant for the arts in Russia? Natalia Pankova, Chair of the Russian Arts Foundation of Nizhny Novgorod, talks to Anastasia Stepanova.
Only some 200 children from the 1,500 sets of twins and triplets used in medical experiments in Auschwitz during World War II survived. Eva Mozes Kor was one of them. In June 2001 she addressed a symposium at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, which nearly 60 years before had been in charge of the experiments. We print extracts:
The arms trade accounts for 50 per cent of all corrupt international transactions, stated a report launched by Transparency International (TI) in April.
Mary Lean is transported by the work of a man whose art was his message.
We may need our enemies for our own healing, maintains Trevor Williams, the Director of Corrymeela, the reconciliation centre in Northern Ireland. He talks to Faustina Starrett.