01 August 1991 |
Is it really the best thing that can happen to us to have the wind at our back, for life always to be smooth and comfortable?
Fiji's Ratu Meli Vesikula was once a`ruthless fanatic : He tells Edward Peters why he now believes that:
Peace activists, especially when motivated by religious or moral convictions, must speak to our emotions - especially fear, anger and grief.
Because Japan has thought only about her own peace, values such as freedom, justice and order, which can be shared with other countries, have become secondary.
Professor Eduard Kellenberger witnessed one of the great scientific breakthroughs of the century. He talks to Alan Channer about genes, ethics and society.
The visit attracted extensive press coverage.
The rafters of the Capilano Long House, a sacred meeting ground of the Squamish Indian nation, rang with laughter and the languages of many nations, at a conference in Vancouver, Canada, in June. Two hundred and thirty-four people from 28 nations were guests at the traditional salmon bake given by the Squamish.
Six members of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), one of President Walesa's Secretaries of State and local leaders from Gdansk, Lodz and Kielce were among those attending a seminar in Oslo on the theme `moral and spiritual foundations of democracy and the structures that make it work' earlier this summer.