Welcome to the archives of For A Change
For A Change was a magazine published by Initiatives of Change from 1987 to 2006, with the themes: Healing History, Transforming Relationships, Building Community.
This website provides most of the articles carried over that 20 year period. All back issues are browseable by issue or story categories when you click on the 'back issues' button on the right.
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Welcome to our first online-only issue of For A Change. This current issue, for January to April 2007, highlights the recent Alliance of Civilizations report of the United Nations, and looks at what can be done and what initiatives are already underway to bridge the world's divides, particularly between the West and Muslim worlds.
With so many of the world's resources being used to fuel conflict that could better be spent relieving poverty, fighting disease and addressing climate change, the need has never been greater to build an 'alliance of civilizations'. Some issues are too important to leave to the politicians - and this is one of them. We want to know what you think, what you are doing, what initiatives you know about. This website offers a space where everyone can participate and share perspectives. We are waiting to hear from you.
Climate change and tackling world poverty may be the most important issues facing this generation. But we can only progress these if we can build an 'alliance of civilizations'. Mike Lowe finds out why this new UN initiative is so important. 09 February 2007
A high-flying corporate executive dealing with people who were a 'pain in the neck', Dale Ferguson also experienced a literal pain (and tumour) in her neck. Exploring these connections through art, she embarked on an inner journey which changed the course of her life. 07 June 2007
In France, prejudice against Islam has been increasing over recent years, with a proportionate rise in frustration among Muslims. Many are beginning to lose faith in dialogue. Frédéric Chavanne writes about a programme of Initiatives of Change called Initiative Dialogue that is attempting to address these issues. 04 June 2007
As young Jews and Arabs in France become more and more violently aware of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one book, So Far Yet So Near, has a particular focus. Nathalie Chavanne meets the book's protagonists. 09 May 2007
The Falklands War, 25 years ago, faced Major Chris Keeble with the sternest test of his military career. It led to a turning point in the war, and an unexpected outcome. Michael Smith recalls his story. 04 April 2007
Michael Smith visits a community in rural Jamaica where a remarkable partnership has generated
jobs, dignity and development. 02 July 2007
While Japan's Prime Minister Abe wrestles with improving relations in East Asia, Geoffrey Craig meets an 88 year-old Japanese who has made 80 visits to China. 30 April 2007
The UK centre for Initiatives of Change (IofC), at 24 Greencoat Place in London, was the venue for a multi-faith, multi-generational community event entitled ‘Where do we go from here?’, held on 16 June. It was led by a team of young people from East and West Europe called Action for Europe (AFE).
Michael Murphy was there. 02 July 2007
“Look at all that this nation has accomplished with one hand tied behind our backs. Imagine what would be possible if we engaged everyone and released the other hand!” exclaimed Judge Walter H. Rice, at the IofC national forum, Building Trust in America, in Dayton, Ohio, 15-16 June. 28 June 2007
Dr Roddy Evans, with a background in the Protestant Ascendancy, and Jim Lynn, a Roman Catholic born and brought up on the Falls Road, speak about some of the behind-the-scenes ‘miracles’ which played a part in the peace process. 12 May 2007
The faith communities need to work more closely together to tackle social ills, such as drug and alcohol abuse, said the broadcaster Indarjit Singh, addressing a Greencoat Forum in London, 24 April. 26 April 2007
As part of its Clean Election Campaign in Sierra Leone, Hope Sierra Leone – a non-governmental organization affiliated to IofC-International – ran a Clean Elections Dialogue in Freetown, 3–5 April 2007 in partnership with the National Electoral Commission. 18 April 2007
Frederic Chavanne reports on initiatives to bring people together from across the political divides and to help former rebels return to civilian life. 17 April 2007
Five thousand people celebrated the unveiling of a Reconciliation statue on March 30 at the site of Richmond’s former slave market. In this place of horror, where 300,000 kidnapped Africans and their descendants were torn from their families and “sold down the river” to Southern plantations, a symbol of healing gives hope for a new future. 05 April 2007
About 1,000 people attended a screening of The Imam and the Pastor in Toronto, Canada, on 1 April, in a special event to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed (Mawlid an-Nabi). 03 April 2007
Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma and Visiting Professor in the Program of Middle East and South Asia Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, visited Washington, DC, with his wife Usha in late March. 29 March 2007
'Birth in one place, growing old in another. And feeling a stranger in two places.' Can we learn to live as neighbours and not as enemies? And can we all live at home, wherever we live? 18 June 2007
How can we help each other to cherish the truth? How can we build the trust that is the best natural fertilizer for the truth to grow? Telling the truth, with love, as best we may, is a step towards healing the wounded memories. 16 April 2007
Ireland and England - 'time to put the hangover of history to bed and embrace the future'. 19 March 2007
Compassion has to be infused into the agenda if we want to see a difference in international affairs. 26 February 2007
Many secular-minded Westerners, particularly in Europe, have a real problem with ANY religion being taken seriously. And there's a refusal to believe that Muslims who believe in their faith and try to take it seriously can become part of modern democratic society. 19 February 2007
The year when the scales tipped over climate change: can we generate enough trust between people and groups whose interests traditionally clash to do what must be done? 12 February 2007
Learning in London from a good friend’s conversion to Islam, I observed large changes in his life-style. Searching for the source of these changes I was drawn to his change in character. 05 February 2007
God's Politician is probably the best light introduction to the life of William Wilberforce, says Mike Smith. In 174 pages, Lean tells the moving and gripping story of Wilberforce's 20-year campaign in the British parliament to abolish the slave trade. Its abolition, 200 years ago this March, was a turning point in the affairs of the world.
His life has “the capacity to speak meaningfully” to everyone. Here's a book no one should miss reading.
We want to know what YOU think. Please give us your comments. 01 February 2007