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Training programmes |
José Carlos Léon Vargas looks back on nine months in Asia with an unusual training programme.
Although some of the Lebanese travelling to the conference managed to get to Beirut airport before it was closed, their families were still at home. For those who came, the stay at Mountain House could not be peaceful, but they had the courage to share their feelings about what was happening in their country.
Will Jenkins travels across the US with an international team of young people.
Keeping Peace Alive promotes dialogue between teenagers from different backgrounds in Cape Town, South Africa. KPA leaders come from different backgrounds themselves; Cassim and Moosa are Muslim and Hasson is Jewish.
Kadi Fakondo's job involves overseeing complaints from the public, community relations, and discipline and internal investigations.
THE SWEEPERS of India are at the centre of a revolutionary initiative by the Indian Government to upgrade their status.
Junaid Moosa took part in the latest Clean Africa Campaign leadership training programme in S Africa.
Torabi (28) left Kabul in 1992, when he was 16, and fled with his whole family to Peshawar in Pakistan. Before their exile, his father had managed a hospital in Kabul.
Natasha Davis meets Indians who are determined to empower the underprivilaged
At times it was hard to see what difference individuals could make in a country of one billion people, with all its pollution, corruption and poverty. The stories of the people we met did something to challenge this sense of helplessness.