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Paul Williams tells the story of an Indian dentist who saw his surgery razed to the ground.
'An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind', said Mahatma Gandhi.
Natasha Davis meets Indians who are determined to empower the underprivilaged
Zainab Bawa draws insights from a new Indian book on dialogue and reconciliation between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.
At times it was hard to see what difference individuals could make in a country of one billion people, with all its pollution, corruption and poverty. The stories of the people we met did something to challenge this sense of helplessness.
When Canadian volunteer Leslie Davies set out to make a difference to the lives of the poor in Calcutta, she was surprised at the difference they made in her own.
The IC Centre for Governance was inaugurated in December in New Delhi, although it will function at Asia Plateau, Panchgani, in western India.
I longed for the disciplined clear thinking mind that leads to a simple life. As it's been said: 'Don't just do something. Sit there.'
Corruption is bad for business, says Suresh Vazirani, Managing Director of an award-winning hi-tech company. He talks to Michael Smith.
Gajanan Sawant tells Bhanu Kale how deciding not to accept poverty led to the transformation of his community.