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IF ONLY WE LIVED IN A WORLD where people didn’t drop litter, tell lies, cheat... but we do.
Corruption and world poverty are inextricably linked. Mike Brown and Chris Breitenberg discover how Indian bureaucrats and industrialists are cutting the knot.
SANTOSH’S SMALL size is no indicator of her gutsy fight for justice.
Edward Peters accompanies Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi on a speaking tour of Britain.
Pamela Jenner discovered a Valley for the Disabled hidden away in the rural heartlands of Tamil Nadu
‘I told them that if I accepted, I would speak against the government’s decision to end its leprosy campaign,’ he recalls. True to his word, Fischer lambasted the Indian cabinet when he received the prize: telling his audience that the government’s claim that leprosy would be eradicated by the year 2000 was completely wrong.
Amidst the slums of Pune, Pamela Jenner discovers an organization which is bringing hope to the city’s poorest inhabitants.
Pamela Jenner writes from Kanniyakumari in southern India
THE SWEEPERS of India are at the centre of a revolutionary initiative by the Indian Government to upgrade their status.
In 1999, a local NGO in Andhra Pradesh (AP), India, suggested that the farmers try out ecological methods, based on the pests’ life-cycle. Five selfhelp groups run by village women provided the determination and support to help make this shift possible.