This section features selected articles from the current and earlier issues of For A Change which relate to our current theme: what will it take to build an Alliance of Civilisations - bridging the divides, particularly between the West and Muslim worlds.
Dr Omnia Marzouk, a physician based in the UK, talks about her spiritual journey to a multifaith, multicultural group. Though speaking as a Muslim, hers are experiences with which anyone can identify. 19 February 2007
Climate change and tackling world poverty may be the most important issues facing this generation. But we can only progress these if we can build an 'alliance of civilizations'. Mike Lowe finds out why this new UN initiative is so important. 09 February 2007
The current widespread ideology of individualism endangers our future because it doesn't take into account the relationships which undergird our survival, writes Bishop George Browning 08 February 2007
Leading Muslim-Australian commentator, Waleed Aly, speaks about the challenges of overcoming our egocentricity if we are to build good relationships. 07 February 2007
The message of the Golden Rule—treat others as we would like to be treated—is found in the teachings of all religious traditions and in the secular tradition as well. It has been around for ever, so why do we not hear it? 01 December 2006
José Carlos Léon Vargas looks back on nine months in Asia with an unusual training programme. 01 December 2006
Despair and fear are the enemies of peace, write Saliba Sarsar (left),a Palestinian American, and Yehezkel Landau, an Israeli American. 01 December 2006
THIS MONTH sees the release of a new film, The Imam and the Pastor, which tells the story of a remarkable peacemaking partnership in northern Nigeria, a region where thousands have been killed in Muslim-Christian conflicts. 01 December 2006
We all need to step out of our respective intellectual ghettos and say, ‘I am open-minded’, according to Professor Tariq Ramadan. 01 August 2006
A unique sacred space in the heart of London where people of all faiths, or none, can meet with others from different traditions and explore differences in a spirit of friendship and respect. 01 August 2006