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World War II
The people of Pforzheim, Germany, suffered dreadfully in World War II-and a British aircrew paid a terrible price. Michael Henderson discovers how a small community is laying its ghosts to rest.
The last words of Wim Lindeijer's mother led him to seek reconciliation with the Japanese. He tells his story to Michael Henderson.
Only some 200 children from the 1,500 sets of twins and triplets used in medical experiments in Auschwitz during World War II survived. Eva Mozes Kor was one of them. In June 2001 she addressed a symposium at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, which nearly 60 years before had been in charge of the experiments. We print extracts:
Norwegian Resistance veteran Leif Hovelsen travels to Germany to try and make peace with his former Nazi jailer.
It's not just the ethereal scenery that brings people from conflict areas to Caux in Switzerland. Mary Lean takes part in a remarkable meeting of hearts.
Mary Lean meets the British World War II veterans who are calling for reconciliation with Japan.
A tree planting ceremony honoured the nearly 2000 refugees housed at Caux during World War II
Daniel Mottu lives in Geneva and was President of the Swiss Foundation for MRA from 1977-1987.
The Jewish community in Poland almost died out after World War II. Milowit Kuninski explores the reconciliation that has made a rebirth possible.
After 50 years of Independence, Rajmohan Gandhi reconsiders his grandfather's widsom - opening up a source of hope for further healing with Britain, and within the divisions of the whole sub-contintent.