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Slavery |
The slave trade has left deep scars. Ann Rignall meets a group of people remembering the past to shape a better future
Walking along the slave routes of West Africa helped Kojo Jantuah to discover his identity-and his destiny.
OUEST FRANCE, France’s leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, maintains Didier Pillet, its Editor-inChief.
More than 30 years after the death of Martin Luther King Jr, America is still divided along racial lines. Why?
One of the two opening batsmen for the Masters is Conrad Hunte, invited from the USA by the Barbadian government with his American wife, Patricia, and their three daughters, Roberta, 10, Grace, 5, and Veronica, 2.
From Aubern Street - where Martin Luther King Jr was laid to rest next door to his Ebenezer Baptist Church - the multistorey spires of downtown Atlanta gleam on the skyline a mile away like a shining 21st century citadel of economic success.