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Indigenous people |
Award-winning journalist Mary Louise O'Callaghan learned to listen in a whole new way when she married into a traditional Solomon Islands community
A Global Indigenous Dialogue (GID) on the theme, 'Understanding our Roots: from healing to harmony' marked the United Nations International Day of Indigenous Peoples in Caux.
Healing? For me that's impossible, Val Linow told John Bond.
Paul Williams discovers that security is not just a military issue.
The day before Christine Jacobs, one of the ‘stolen generations’ of Aboriginal Australians, was due to speak at the launch of Australia’s National Day of Healing, she was knocked down by a car and killed. Her 14-year-old daughter, Tamara, read her speech at the event in the Great Hall of Parliament on 25 May.
Luckily no-one was hurt except the poor moose.
Phyllis Cameron-Johnson tells Paul Williams how paying a train fare, meeting Navajo visitors to her school and a canoeing accident shaped her life.
William Commanda, an aboriginal North American chief, survived cancer and alcoholism to pioneer the idea of a ‘Circle of Nations’, reports Henry F Heald.
Peace is more than the absence of war, discovers Caz Hore-Ruthven.
'An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind', said Mahatma Gandhi.