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Debt |
Bill Peters, one of the founders of the Jubilee 2000 campaign for debt remission, reviews a new book on the international debt crisis.
Two great windows of opportunity will swing open this year in the fight against world poverty, surely one of the most pressing moral issues of our age. Poverty kills 6,000 children each weekâthe equivalent of a tsunami a month.
Norway's former Minister of International Development and Human Rights, Hilde Frafjord Johnson, tells Jens Jonathan Wilhelmsen about her country's response to the international debt crisis.
Martin Dent is the co-founder of Jubilee 2000. He writes in his personal capacity.
In this new feature, we shall report on developments since our publication of a major story.
Canada's churches recently kicked off their response to a worldwide campaign to lift the poorest countries out of their debt abyss. They held a series of workshops, forums and events on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to mark the launching of the Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative.
Over a billion people in the developing countries suffer from the burden of debt repayments to the West. Will our governments take the opportunity of the new Millenium to cancel these debts?
As he nears the end of almost 40 years' service to the ILO, Blanchard looks back to a strange `chance' that has influenced his destiny.
They had taken to the streets in reaction to the latest stringent conditions imposed on Brazil by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While wages have been pegged, prices in the shops continue to rise and the cruzado has been devalued by 27 per cent. There are, says Dr Jones Santos Neves, one of Brazil's leading employers, some 500,000 children without adequate food.