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Mike Lowe revisits Poland, ten years after its return to democracy.
Cardinal Basil Hume, the Archbishop of Westminster, died on 17 June mourned not just by Britain's Roman Catholics but by many of different faiths and of none.
Italian journalist Luigi Accatolli has documented 94 occasions when the Pope has apologized publicly for different aspects of his Church's history. Laurie Vogel takes his message to heart.
It was billed as a conference. It was more an experience.
French journalist Bernard Margueritte has reported on East Europe from Poland for over 20 years.
The fatal division of `us' and `them' is still alive, without us realizing that there is no `them.
My wife and I come from a background of privilege and Protestantism - and are grateful for our heritage. But we have to face the fact that many react quite differently to that tradition.
Pope John Paul II has opened the windows of the Vatican to the world more widely than any of his predecessors.