China |
Teaching English in China was an eye-opener for Rob Neal.
My love of China comes from working with these wonderful, hard-working people in rural settings, providing them with the opportunity and dignity they deserve.
Kato is now a second year student in International Relations at Beijing University. He is also a part-time Japanese teacher at a local high school and President of Beijing University’s Japanese Students Association (BUJSA).
Matching the valiant attempts of the locals to learn English, growing numbers of foreign nationals are coming to Beijing to study Mandarin.
Keen to learn more, I join some Love Heart members on their weekly visit to Hong Yan School. Founded in 2001, the school offers education to children of migrant workers who might otherwise miss out on schooling altogether.
A friendly child gives Tom Duncan the courage to climb China’s contemporary Great Wall.
An ancient book about war gives Dalia Braverman practical hints on living today.
Does hatred have to be passed on from one generation to the next?
As Hong Kong returns to China, she has more than business acumen to offer, maintains Leung Siu-Wai.
As Hong Kong returns to China, James Hore-Ruthven offers a British perspective.