Images for change
01 May 2007
Mondolibrary, the image library for the public interest and nonprofit community, has gone live at www.mondolibrary.net.
Annecy, France, April 29, 2007
Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 29, 2007
Today, mondofragilis network launched a unique online photo library specifically aimed at nonprofit and public interest communicators.
The photos will help public interest communicators create powerful messages that cause change. In fact, the images will not be available for commercial use. Images can only be purchased by legitimate nonprofit entities or by students and other public interest users.
At mondolibrary, users will find images of Tajik migrants, Chechen combatants and AIDS orphans in the Kibera slums. The library also includes images relevant to public interest stories including photos of industry, relationships, urban life and many others.
The mondolibrary structure is based on a category tree that confers a comprehensive vision of the many facets of today’s issues including those found in the Millennium Development Goals.
Mondolibrary aims to help nonprofits by making the photos affordable. Among its likely clients, many civil society organizations, the United Nations family, educational facilities, public authorities, associations and other nonprofit entities whose goal is to cause change.
Mondolibrary is owned and operated by mondofragilis network, a media and communications company serving the United Nations family, civil society organisations, the public sector and better Earth projects. It offers a full range of public awareness, advocacy, behaviour change and fundraising analyses, strategies and services. It also offers sustainable development shifting strategies to corporations wishing to adopt a more socially responsible stance. Their slogan is: messages must cause change.